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7 Effective Ways to Overcome Postnatal Depression!

Postnatal depression


Postnatal depression (or postpartum depression), just as the name implies is a psychological problem faced by women shortly after giving birth to new babies.

It is a very common disorder that occurs as frequently as in 1 out of every 5 women. It is thought that this problem occurs as a result of the various hormonal changes occurring in women at this period.

One of the most common types of postnatal depression, known as the “baby blues” usually manifests between the 3rd and 5th days following parturition and resolves completely by the 10th day.

Postnatal psychosis is another psychological problem that affects women just after parturition but is less frequent than postnatal depression (it occurs only in 1 out of every 500 women).

In this article, the various postpartum depression symptoms, as well as the best postpartum depression treatment methods, shall be discussed.

Postnatal depression symptoms can be classified under three categories viz – those related to mood, those related to thoughts, and those related to body physiology.

Postnatal depression symptoms related to mood include worthlessness, pessimism, sadness, hopelessness, guilt, anger, unnecessary fear, fatigue, loss of appetite, and loss of sexual desire.

All of these are due to the accumulation of certain chemical substances (known as stressors and endorphins) in the body system. If these substances are not reduced to their normal body levels, then these problems will persist.

As for the postnatal depression symptoms which are related to thoughts, they include loss of concentration, hallucinations, recurrent thoughts of causative occurrence (i.e. the person keeps thinking of the sad event that brought about the depression in the first place such as the death of a loved one or the loss of a job or a huge amount of wealth or property) and poor memory retention.

Physiologically, a depressed person is affected in various ways. These include feelings of pain and tightness in the chest, back, and other parts of the body, mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and overeating.

Many cases have been reported of women, who, after giving birth to new babies manifest all the aforementioned signs (such as anger or hostility, sadness, loss of appetite, indecision, and so on) even when their relatives are celebrating and jubilating over the birth of the new baby. These are cases of postnatal depression. So, when this happens, such women need urgent help.

As for the cases of “baby blues” described above, the feelings of depression will subside naturally after 9-10 days. However, depression may persist in many other cases. When this happens, various natural treatment options should be adopted.

Dealing with postnatal depression

  • Build a strong relationship with your kid by tuning in and responding to their needs or emotional cues, such as picking them up, calming them, and consoling them when they cry. Early bonding can be severely harmed by postpartum depression.
  • Maintain skin-to-skin contact with your baby. It will help your newborn with longer periods of sleep and alertness, reduced cold stress, greater weight gain, enhanced brain development, and less crying.
  • Wearing a smiling face can help the baby shed their reflex grin and offer you their first true one between the ages of 6 and 12 weeks. When a mother watches her child smile, the areas of her brain that are activated correspond to the chemical dopamine, which provides her with a “natural high.”
  • In terms of maintaining your child’s attention, singing with them through song is just as effective as reading them a book or playing with toys, and it’s even more effective than listening to recorded music.
  • To treat or avoid postpartum depression, select a simple lifestyle to take care of yourself. During pregnancy, eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in oily fish like herring and salmon, may reduce the risk of postpartum depression.
  • Exercising during postpartum time is an effective approach to improve psychological well-being and alleviate postpartum depression symptoms. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, lowers tension, improves sleep, and gives you more energy. Walking is an excellent place to start, especially if you can push your stroller at the same time. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
  • New moms may experience feelings of isolation and overwhelm as they adjust to their new role. Being receptive to social and emotional support from family and friends, or even online forums, helps mothers to develop self-esteem and a sense of independence. Use it as a tool to better cope with problems on your own.


By adopting the aforementioned treatment measures, depressed women will get their moods back in a good state within a very brief period of time.

When you feel you have done all it takes on your part and the symptoms persist, seek professional help.

Avoid negative thinking that makes you think you’re fighting a lost cause, know that depression can be treated and you can feel better.

General postnatal & postpartum FAQs

  • What is the difference between postpartum and postnatal?

The terms “postpartum period” and “postnatal period” are frequently interchanged but also used independently, with “postpartum” referring to difficulties affecting the mother and “postnatal” referring to those affecting the infant.

  • Do your hips widen permanently after pregnancy?

The hips and feet are two of the most common places where women feel this shift. Even though you weigh the same after having a kid, your hips and feet MAY widen permanently after pregnancy and birth, so you may not be able to wear the same clothing size or shoe size.

  • Do you have a 40-day period after birth?

Your period starts soon after birth and lasts for a culturally varied amount of time: 30 days, up to 40 days, two months, or 100 days.

  • When does the stomach go flat after pregnancy?

Around six weeks after birth, the uterus returns to the pelvis and reverts to its original size (similar to a closed fist). Your postpartum belly can appear flatter and smaller as a result of this but it takes time and dedication.

  • Why do you have to wait 40 days to have sex after giving birth?

There is enough medical data to suggest that waiting three weeks before having intercourse is a wise idea. When the placenta is removed from the uterus, it causes a wound that takes time to heal. The blood vessels in this wound spontaneously shut up when the blood clots and the vessels shrink, although this takes at least three weeks.

  • How can I satisfy my husband after giving birth?

Even though you can’t have sex for at least 3 weeks after giving birth to a newborn. If you can have a babysitter, you’ll have extra time to spend with your husband. If you can’t find or afford someone to look after our little one, take your baby for a walk in the pram while you chat. When your baby is sleeping, there will be times when the two of you can enjoy meals and have romance together. Without really doing it, there are various methods to give and receive sexual pleasure. Consider sex as a final destination rather than a starting point. Begin with basic initiatives such as holding hands and snuggling.

  • Do you look different after having a baby?

According to medical books, it takes roughly a year for the body to return to normal after birth, although there are a few changes that can be permanent. During pregnancy, a woman’s face, areolas, stomach, and moles typically darken and may stay that way.

  • Do babies feel pain during birth?

Doctors know that newborns are likely to feel discomfort. However, it is still disputed how much they feel throughout labor and birth. “If you performed a medical operation on a newborn soon after birth, the baby will almost certainly feel pain.” During labor, the umbilical cord is no longer required after the delivery. It will be clamped and cut off shortly after delivery. Because your baby’s cord has no nerve endings, it does not cause pain when it is removed.


Featured pic: Photo by Laura Garcia from Pexels

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Navjot Singh
I'm an independent healthcare analyst with a passion for exploring and researching overall well-being. From cutting-edge medications to time-tested traditions, I delve into various perspectives. My extensive analysis covers health, alternative treatments, nutrition, fitness, herbs, and parenting. Every write-up on Bloomposts is churned thoroughly from authentic & published mediums. My aim is to provide valuable information for those who seek it. Now, let's dive into the articles - I hope you find them enjoyable and valuable.

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